The lengthy legal battle in the event of occupational diseases

Siewert Lindenbergh Spotlight interview

On Monday 25 January 2021, Siewert Lindenbergh, Professor of Private Law at Erasmus School of Law, featured in an episode of the television programme Pointer of KRO NCRV, to talk about the legal battle in the event of occupational diseases.

Lindenbergh compares the current Dutch situation with the Belgian system, where an Agency for Occupational Risks deals with these matters outside the judiciary. Lindenbergh argues that such a system, in which the relation between the individual damage and the workplace does not have to be proven for every single case, should also function better in the Netherlands. Currently, in the Netherlands, the process is subject to heavy judicialisation, that sometimes causes severe mental issues for the victim. This problem-solving method would lead to less polarised conflicts, since current liability law invites maximum conflict between parties.

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You can watch the full episode in Dutch here

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