Launch website Society, Youth, and Neuroscience Connected (SYNC) lab

Since 1 April, Prof. Dr. Eveline Crone and her team have been based at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Since 11 May the new website of the Society, Youth, and Neuroscience Connected (SYNC) lab is up and running. The website gives an overview of current and new projects, the research team members, news items and blogs. In addition, the website features citizen science research where young people can provide input during various phases of research.

The SYNC-lab ( is an initiative of the new department of Developmental Neuroscience in Society at the Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences led by Prof. Dr. Eveline Crone. This new research group wants to build a bridge between several levels of measurement, such as brain and behavioural research, in order to understand how young people develop into active members of society. The focus is on in what conditions young people are doing well and where the challenges lie. In a large city like Rotterdam, for example, there are many different groups of young people and you can therefore look for opportunities for each group, according to Eveline Crone in an interview at the start of her new research group.

Starting up a new lab with a new group at a new university is no sinecure in a time of lockdown. Eveline Crone is therefore proud of this achievement of her new team. In her blog on the new website she tells how it went. 

In addition to Eveline Crone, the SYNC lab consists of the following members (see also their EUR profile pages):

Postdocs: dr. Michelle Achterberg | dr. Eduard Klapwijk | dr. Andrik Becht

Phd candidates: Suzanne van de Groep, MSc | Philip Brandner, MSc | Ilse van de Groep, MSc | Jochem Spaans, MSc | Renske van der Cruijsen, MSc | Lina van Drunen, MSc (gastonderzoeker) | Simone Dobbelaar, MSc (gastonderzoeker)

Research assistents:  Dorien Huijser, MSc | Sophie Sweijen, MSc | Kayla Green, MSc

Social Media

Follow the SYNC lab op Twitter:  SYNClabEUR

Prof. Eveline Crone
More information

Marjolein Kooistra, Communications ESSB | E-mail  | Tel. + 31 6 83676038

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