On Tuesday 27 January 2015, the ERMeCC Digital Research Lab was launched with a festive event. ERMeCC researchers Ruud Jacobs, Tonny Krijnen, Julia Kneer, and Ericka Menchen-Trevino presented various cases of research projects that are currently being conducted and that could profit from what this new research facility has to offer.
A special Taskforce consisting of Jeroen Jansz (chair), Ruud Jacobs, Julia Kneer, Ericka Menchen-Trevino, Laura Braden and Marc Verboord developed an elaborate plan for the material and virtual establishment of the ERMeCC Digital Research Lab, with a specific focus on innovative digital research methods. In developing the plan, the Taskforce conducted a survey and interviews among ERMeCC members and consulted a variety of sources aiming to cater in the best possible way for the diverse research needs and interests of ERMeCC researchers.
The ERMeCC Digital Research Lab could be developed with the help of the Research Excellence Initiative (REI) grant for the Transformations in the Production and Consumption of Media and Culture project led by Susanne Janssen.
Physical Lab and Equipment
Many ERMeCC researchers indicated that their work would benefit by having access to an ERMeCC-operated environment to do research in. This wish has been met by allocating two rooms on the brand new 8th floor of the Van der Goot Building (M8-23 and M8-29)) tot the ERMeCC Digital Research lab: a media-lab for media-oriented research and a co-creation/interview space that offers flexible and comfortable seating for up to 10 persons. The media lab will be used to perform studies related to media through the use of television, computers, and game consoles. It enables audience research (mostly with one or a few participants) as well as the analysis of media content (TV, film, games). The co-creation space is meant for research endeavors such as interviews, focus groups and sessions where participants work together on group projects, including projects where participants may create media content.
Digital Research Tools
In addition to the lab as a physical space, the ERMeCC digital research lab will provide digital research facilities that are not dependent on physical spaces. The Taskforce has created an overview of free and licensed tools that can meet the requests and needs of ERMeCC researchers. The need for innovative tools for online data collection stands out, in particular with respect to social media. Multiple ERMeCC researchers indicated that they want to acquire data from Twitter or other platforms. In the forthcoming year the ERMeCC lab will offer a series workshops in order to instruct researchers how to apply the tools optimally.
Because the field of digital research tools is in flux and quite fragmented in tool preference as well as methods driving their use, the ERMeCC ERMeCC will launch a micro-grant system to support researchers in acquiring up-to-date and specific tools. A call for proposals will be sent out in February.
Knowledge Sharing
To help researchers find the appropriate tools and allow them to contact others who are already experienced in the method they want to use, the ERMeCC Digital Research lab will maintain an internal knowledge base, consisting of an intranet source of information on researchers, methods, and tools; workshops to show the lab’s potential and build on current expertise; and up-to-date information on innovative research tools.