IWD 2022: Keynote Event

Prospective students walking on campus.

EUR's keynote event celebrating International Women's Day 2022 was held on Tuesday March 8 (13:30 - 15:00) at the Paviljoen. It was lead by EUR Vice-President, Prof. Ellen van Schoten, and Chief Diversity Officer, Prof. Semiha Denktaş, and featured Professor Halleh Ghorashi of VU Amsterdam, as keynote speaker.

This event celebrated women within our community and across the globe and touched on important discussions surrounding representation, counterchallenging stereotypes and bias, as well as highlighting the strength that is in us all.

Chief Diversity Officer professor Semiha Denktaş shared a peek of the photo campaign "Professors Represented - portraits of female professors at Erasmus University Rotterdam’.

IWD 2022 keynote speaker, Professor Halleh Ghorashi of VU Amsterdam, spoke about how we can #breakthebias, through her talk entitled: ‘Inclusive representation is about embracing polyvocality’.

The event was an excellent opportunity for dialogue within the EUR community that furthered our shared efforts towards greater gender equity.

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