Do you want to be the first to use the latest functionalities? If so, go to We’ve created this environment to give you faster access to new and improved functionalities. The only thing we ask in return is your feedback.
What’s new in bèta MyEUR
- Study Progress
- Registrations (Overview of registrations and exam participation)
- iCal - Subscribe to MyEUR Timetable
- ‘Your School’ – choose your main faculty (if you’re registered with several faculties)
Improvements in bèta
- Different fields are displayed by the announcements in dashboard, list and detailview
- The filters on the timetable are saved over the sessions
- URLs within an announcement open in a different tab
- There are references to attachments within announcements
These updates are accessible in bèta until the next sprint release. They will then be posted live on MyEUR in this or a modified version.
Join in the testing to further improve MyEUR!
Wilco te Winkel
Product Owner MyEUR