Interne feedback genereren uit externe feedbackbronnen: interventies in het vaardighedenonderwijs die het zelfregulerend leervermogen van studenten versterken

CLI Fellowship of Hanna Weijers & Stephanie van den Kieboom
Hanna en Stephanie - CLI

The Community for Learning & Innovation (CLI) gives lecturers from Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) the opportunity to apply for a fellowship. With this fellowship, they research educational innovation, or carry out an educational project.
On this page you can read more about the CLI Fellowship of Hanna Weijers & Stephanie van den Kieboom (ESL) about strengthening students' self-regulated learning skills by developing a toolbox.

Feedback can be a powerful resource to help students improve their learning and skills. In skills education, students receive many different forms of feedback. A lot of time is invested in providing high-quality feedback, but students do not always use this feedback to actively grow their skills level. At the same time, students are often overly reliant on feedback from their teachers, despite the existence of many other feedback resources. This project aims at strengthening students' self-regulated learning skills by developing a toolbox with concrete interventions that can be added to the educational design of the skills courses at ESL (and also EUR). By raising feedback literacy by teaching students to generate feedback internally, we hope to increase the self-regulated learning skills, and helping students no longer rely solely on their teachers' feedback to improve their skills.

mr. dr. Hanna Weijers
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