International Student Barometer 2023

International students, your voice matters, and we're counting on your input to make a difference. Help us enhance your study experience by participating in the International Student Barometer (ISB).

Share your opinion

This is your opportunity to tell us what’s working, what’s frustrating, and what you think of your university experience so far. Your insights will shape the future of our international student community and help us create a better environment for the rest of your time at our university and for international students who follow in your footsteps!

What are we doing with the results?

Our goal is to improve our services for international students and consolidate EUR's reputation as an internationally-oriented top research university. In order to reach that goal, the opinion of international students about EUR's education and support services is vital. The results of the ISB are an essential source of information for the implementation of the university's international strategies and for enhancing the services for international students. In previous years, major improvements have been made in the orientation programme for incoming internationals and other events have been added to the programme throughout the year. More recently, outcomes of the ISB have resulted in a more defined focus on developing career services for international students. 

Win a €50 gift card

Share your experience with the ISB and have a chance to win one of the ten € 50 gift cards. All international students received the link to the survey in their student emails. The survey is open until 18 December 2023.

Participate in the International Student Barometer 2023

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