Horizon2020 subsidy awarded to research project Working and Yet Poor

An international consortium, of which the Department of Labour Law of Erasmus School of Law is part of, has received a Horizon2020 subsidy of €3,250,000. The Erasmus School of Law share is €150,000. The multidisciplinary research programme Working and Yet Poor focuses on explaining the trend that more and more workers are already living below the poverty line or are at risk of falling below it. In addition, recommendations are made to counter this trend. On behalf of the Labour Law Department, Prof Ruben Houweling, Prof Zef Even and LL.M. Amber Zwanenburg will contribute to the research.

The European Union has announced to improve the feasibility of the goals agreed in the European pillar of social rights. Part of this is subsidizing the Working and Yet Poor project.

The Working and Yet Poor project focuses on the increasing social trend of working people who live below the poverty line or are at risk of falling below it. The international consortium with universities and organizations from various European countries will investigate why this trend has been increasing in recent years, making recommendations to the European Union and individual member states to combat this development. The main perspective of the research is the Vulnerable and Under-represented, the so-called VUP groups. These VUP groups are prevented by their disadvantaged circumstances from using it in their enjoyment of EU citizenship. Tackling the inequality between the various legal systems will, in time, increase confidence in public administration. This reinforces the position of the VUP groups.

This awarded grant is in line with the earlier grant received by the European Commission to Project Sense. This project focused on the multitude of regulations in the field of social rights and employment within the European Union regarding transnational transport. On August 29, 2019, the final conference 'Standing at the Crossroads' will take place where the findings and the app will be presented.

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About Horizon2020
With Horizon2020, the European Commission and the Dutch government want to stimulate science and innovation in business and academia. In this way, they can increase the competitiveness of Europe. The Horizon2020 program is in line with the European goals for employment and growth (Europe 2020) and the associated flagship Innovation Union.

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