Dr. Hans van Kippersluis, Assistant Professor at the department of Applied Economics at Erasmus School of Economics, is one out of nine EUR researchers who has been awarded a Veni grant. Van Kippersluis receives the grant for his research proposal “Lifting the lid on socioeconomic disparities in health”. The aim of his research is to use economic theory and applied econometrics to unveil why there exist strikingly large disparities in health across socioeconomic groups. In particular, the role of lifestyle is investigated: why do the lower educated consume unhealthier goods? And why do poorer individuals smoke more despite it being a relatively expensive consumption good?
The grant is awarded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) to young scientific talent that has recently earned the doctoral degree. With the € 250,000 grant, Dr Hans van Kippersluis will be able to do three years of further research.
Through three sorts of grants, NWO focuses with the Innovational Research Incentives on three different phases in the scientific careers of researchers. Next to VENI grants there are VIDI and VICI grants. The VENI grant offers researchers who have only recently completed their doctorates the opportunity to develop their ideas during three years. The scheme is directed at providing encouragement for individual researchers and gives talented, creative researchers the opportunity to conduct their own research programme independently.
About NWO
The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) is the largest financer of scientific innovation in the Netherland. NWO finances, coordinates and monitors thousands of research projects and numerous collaborations in all sciences. The Organisation promotes (the use of) scientific breakthroughs by NWO subsidized research in the Dutch society and industry.
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More about Dr Hans van Kippersluis see his personal page: