Films in Quarantaine

A lot of filmmakers worldwide are also bound to home. But they are still creating. Read on to find out what they are doing.


8 Greek and 7 internationally acclaimed directors shot, after commissioning by the Thessaloniki International Film Festival, a short film at home, making their own timely comment on the new reality that we live in. The project is inspired by the book "Species of Spaces and other pieces" by the French novelist, filmmaker, documentalist, and essayist, Georges Perec and the days of quarantine.

The idea is to create a film at home, using the environment, the people or the animals in that space. The only outdoor areas that may be used are outdoor living spaces, such as the terrace, the garden, the balcony and the stairwell.

Watch Spaces #1 and #2 here.

When We Had The Time- De Vandalen

When We Had The Time is an online drama series about life that continues in times of isolation. Complete in video messaging, Skype and FaceTime conversations and Instastories. About the hopeful and honest moments. A grandson gives his grandmother a heart with poems, start-up entrepreneurs look for a digital alternative to their group dynamics training, a woman calls to date via Skype.

And you can be part of it, because there are still looking for experiences from people stuck at home.

Watch the episodes here. (Dutch Spoken, but subtitled in English)


Stuck At Home 48HFP

The worldwide contest 48 hour filmproject came up with an online version of the competition.

This is a filmmaking competition open to any filmmaker around the world. On Friday night, you will receive the secret challenge. You and those in your home will have 48 hours to brainstorm, write and shoot a simple scene or scenes and upload them to the 48HFP Facebook Page.

You can still participate in the weekend of 22 May.
Or check out the films made in the other weekends.

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