FAECTOR - September

After an exciting PINKWIN and Eurekaweek, the last preparations are made for the upcoming academic year. Interested in joining a committee? Make sure to visit one of our Committee Interest Drinks! Applications open on 1 September and close on 16 September.

After a great trip to Brazil and Argentina, all the participants of the FAECTOR Research Project returned home safely. Also, the Dutch introduction camp PINKWIN was a great success! Lots of first year students already got to know their fellow students before the start of the academic year and had a blast during the camp. After PINKWIN, it was time for the Eurekaweek. We hope you had the chance to drop by and get free cotton candy or take a picture with our FAECTOR photo frame! All this wouldn’t be possible without the effort of our beloved Active Members. A big thanks to the Eerstejaarscommissie and Sport Committee for making these events a success!

On Thursday, 7 September, the Opening Drink will take place at Café Concordia! Like usual, beer, wine and soda will be only 50 cents for the entire night.

Make sure to visit us on Monday, 11 September, at the information session and afterwards at the Committee Interest Drink. Seven committees will be open for application, so surely there’s one that is the right fit for you! Please keep in mind that the deadline to apply for a committee is on Saturday, 16 September. For more information, go to https://faector.nl/students/association/join-a-committee or send us an e-mail at info@faector.nl.

Furthermore, the registration for the Landelijke Econometristen Sport Toernooi (LEST) 2017 is now open! It will take place on 27 September. Join the recreational football tournament, the serious football tournament or the brand new pentathlon. The pentathlon consists of various activities, such as dodgeball and lasergaming. There’s also a secret activity that is yet to be announced.

We wish you all the best for the upcoming year and hope to see you at our first events in September!

For more information about FAECTOR, go to our website www.faector.nl or Facebook page. If your time as a student is coming to an end and you are looking for a new challenge, or if you would like to develop your skills in a more practical way, go to our vacancy website www.econometrie.com. To make sure that you stay in contact with your study friends, have a look at our alumni association RECNET. If you have any questions or remarks, please send an e-mail to info@faector.nl.

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