23 May started with rain, but the volunteers didn’t seem to mind.
At 12.00 in the afternoon most of them were present. The good courage of the volunteers blew away the rainclouds and the sun maintained to shine throughout the day.
Jobs such as sanding and painting of the furniture of the playground, demolish old picnic benches and assembly new ones and chores which you'd need bit more creativity for, like decorating the interior of the playroom, turned out to be done in a snap.
The Play Center was very happy with our efforts. Mirjan de Brouwer, head of the Play Center Weena would like to thank every one involved: “Despite the weather, which was not bad at all, you have done a load of work for us.”
It is fantastic to see that every year colleagues and students of Erasmus School of Economics are willing to roll up their sleeves and do jobs for the Play Center Weena.
Yet we want to call on colleagues and students of Erasmus School of Economics and/ or other faculties to participate in this volunteering day. For more information please send an e-mail to Ylaise Herwig (herwig@ese.eur.nl).
For pictures please click on the following link: http://issuu.com/erasmusschoolofeconomics/docs/ese_vrijwilligerswerk_2013?mode=window