On Tuesday 10 March 2020, Erasmus University Rotterdam joined the secondary and higher education network in the Rotterdam-Rijnmond region. This was formally confirmed during the vo-ho conference on campus Woudestein. Together with 54 secondary schools and 4 universities of applied sciences, EUR is taking concrete steps to improve the transition from secondary school to higher education so that the large group of senior general secondary education (havo) and pre-university education (vwo) students who move into higher education can be successful in their studies.
Pupils in the right place
The aim of the network is to get the right pupils in the right place, with the right preparations. This should ultimately improve graduation rates and reduce the number of dropouts. To achieve this, four themes are used:
1. career orientation and guidance;
2. alignment with course content;
3. academic skills;
4. and monitoring of advancement.
As alignment coordinator, Rowan Huijgen is involved in the partnership for EUR: "We've had an excellent relationship with secondary schools in the Rotterdam-Rijnmond region for many years. In addition, EUR has a great deal of expertise on these themes. By joining the network, we can now formally contribute that expertise.
Formalisation of long-term cooperation in the region
The formalised partnership emerges from the regional ambition plan 2018, which undertook to provide additional funding to tighten the links with schools in the region. In recent months, joint investments have been made in the partnerships, with the result that EUR may now join the network 'Working together for better VO-HO alignment' as an official partner.
VO-HO conferentie 10 maart 2020

- More information
More information about the o-ho network Rotterdam-Rijnmond.
Press office Erasmus University Rotterdam, T (010) 408 1216 E press@eur.nl