During the International Film Festival Rotterdam on Tuesday 27 January 2015, Erasmus University Rotterdam will launch the Center for Histories of the Future (CHIFT). This new center researches science fiction and focuses on current technological and societal changes to imagine the future. CHIFT is an initiative of media scholar dr. Etienne Augé of the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication.
Science fiction is about inventing the future, but also about preventing what may happen in that future. This is the reason Etienne Augé believes it is an important subject in a modern country focusing on progress. The tradition of science fiction is almost non-existent in the Netherlands, and the Center for Histories of the Future wants to further the thinking about the future in our country.
Research the future
CHIFT aims to be a center of expertise to stimulate research and discussion about the future, amongst others by organizing seminars and events with topics covering the future. The center hopes to inspire people to ask the ‘What if’-question more often. In the interdisciplinary CHIFT, professionals come together who are interested in imaginations and representations of the future. The center is open for anyone that is not afraid of the ‘What if’-question: scientists, artists, designers, politicians and practitioners. This way, CHIFT hopes to influence policy makers, academics, media and other professionals and students to think further ahead. At first, Augé seeks further cooperation with the city of Rotterdam. In the future, the Center for Histories of the Future intends to cooperate with other Dutch universities such as the Technical University of Delft and the University of Twente. Also exchanges with similar organizations abroad are on CHIFT’s program.
Dr. Etienne Augé (http://www.eshcc.eur.nl/english/personal/auge/bio/) is senior lecturer at the Media & Communication department of the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication.
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