Erasmus researchers take a pledge

On Wednesday 30 January 2013, 45 PhD and Research Master students took a pledge by which they explicitly committed themselves to the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Scientific Practice. This code was drawn up by the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (Dutch abbreviation: VSNU). The ceremony concluded the new Scientific Integrity course that has become mandatory for all new Research Master and PhD students at the Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM).

The pledge-taking ceremony was a pilot for the whole of Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) and was therefore attended by rector magnificus Professor Henk Schmidt.

In the light of the public debate in the Netherlands about scrupulousness and integrity in science, in 2012 the university’s Executive Board established the EUR Taskforce Scientific Integrity, charged with bringing together various then on-going initiatives in different university institutes and schools. The taskforce will be active until September 2013. The EUR Taskforce Scientific Integrity aims to raise awareness of the critical importance of scrupulousness and integrity in science and of how these principles can be best safeguarded. To that end, the Taskforce is sharing successful practices and is also identifying, developing and coordinating new initiatives serving the interest of most EUR schools and institutes. Its primary focus is on the storage and archiving of research data, as well as training and education.

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