We’ve happily received some attention recently and offer to your attention two pieces of content.
The first ELSA lab magazine came out, where 6 of the running projects are featured with interactive content. The ELSA landscape is quite dynamic, testing hypothesis across different fields from public safety, to defense, media and democracy, sustainable food systems and reducing poverty. The magazine showcases these projects with interactive content.

Professor Gabriele Jacobs discussed the issue of oversurveillance for an article in Pont, where she points out the need to move the focus from security to “a healthy focus on freedom”. Connecting to the recent election results, Professor Jacobs reminds us that “we give up our right to privacy more and more easily, collect more and more data, and invest a huge amount of energy and public money in technological solutions, while there are indications that these technological solutions’ help is quite limited and only works in very specific situations."

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