Ellen van Schoten appointed to Erasmus University’s Executive Board

The Supervisory Board of Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) has appointed Dr Ellen van Schoten RA to EUR’s Executive Board, effective 1 January 2021. Van Schoten will succeed Roelien Ritsema van Eck as the Board’s third member and will be responsible for the Operational Management portfolio. She currently serves as the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM).

“We believe that in Ellen van Schoten, we have found a great board member with a wealth of experience in the broad field of operational management. We are convinced that Ellen will face the challenges inherent in her portfolio with great expertise, conviction and enthusiasm,” said Prof. Jaap Winter, the chair of the Supervisory Board.

About Ellen van Schoten

Ellen van Schoten (1966) is COO of the Dutch Authority for the Financial Market (AFM) since 1 October 2017, where she is responsible for the Operational Management departments. Van Schoten has worked in the public sector for most of her career to date. Before joining the AFM, she worked for the Netherlands Court of Audit where she served as Secretary to the Board (General Director) and was responsible for, among other thing the official apparatus. Prior to that, she held the position of Director of Forensic Auditing (fraud investigations) at PricewaterhouseCoopers and was Interim Director at the Instituut Onderzoek Overheidsuitgaven (Government Expenditure Investigation Institute). She also held several positions at both the Ministries of Finance and Social Affairs and Employment.

Ellen van Schoten announced that she felt honoured with her appointment. “I am looking forward to working at this prestigious university. The importance and impact of education and research in our society is great. I will be very happy to use my experience and network and, together with my colleagues in the Executive Board and with the Deans, work towards realising e Erasmus University Rotterdam’s ambitions,” said Dr Ellen van Schoten.

Van Schoten received her PhD from Amsterdam VU University in 1999. Her thesis was on Control and Audit of Financial Derivatives at Non-Financial Institutions. In addition to holding this Doctorate in economics, she also holds a post Doc in Accountancy.


Ellen van Schoten was appointed for a four-year period. This decision was taken by the EUR’s Supervisory Board after consultation with the Executive Board, the Deans and the University Council’s Confidentiality Committee. Van Schoten will take up her new post as of 1 January 2021 and will be the Executive Board’s third member where she will be responsible for a portfolio which includes: Finance, Human Resources, Real Estate & Facilities and Information Technology. She will join  Prof. Ed Brinksma (Chair) and EUR Rector Magnificus Prof. Rutger Engels in the Executive Board.