EGOS pre-conference about CCO Theory (Communicative Constitution of Organizations) co-organized by David Novak.
We would like to inform you of a pre-conference which will be held in Rotterdam on July
1st and 2nd prior to the 2014 European Group of Organization Studies conference to be
held in Rotterdam. In this preconference, Mark van Vuuren (University Twente), Amanda
Porter (VU-Amsterdam) and David Novak (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Co-chair NeFCA
Organizational Communication Division) will attempt to stimulate a conversation about
CCO Theory (Communicative Constitution of Organizations), its applications to
organizations, and how organizations can benefit from CCO theory. In order to facilitate
this conversation, Peter Knoers, Senior Partner at the HVR Group will join us as well as
some of HVR’s clients. We will attempt to bridge gaps in current CCO theory and its
connection to organizational practice as well as seek out ways in which organizations can
benefit from CCO concepts. Also joining us will be Boris Brummans (Université de
Montreal) to discuss organizational ethnography.
If you are interested in attending, please email as soon as possible.
Please note that we have limited spots available for participation.