EFR co-organizer of kick-start event ‘Transform Your World

Together with the Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition (DSGC) and SDG Charter NL, the Economic Faculty association Rotterdam (EFR) is organizing ‘Transform Your World’, a national kick-start event for students around the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). The aim is to accelerate the implementation of the SDG’s in The Netherlands. Among the participants are Minister Lilianne Ploumen (Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation), Paul Polman (CEO Unilever), Feike Sijbesma (CEO DSM), Marjan van Loon (Shell Netherlands) and Frans van Houten (CEO Philips).

In 2015, leaders from all around the world agreed that we need to ‘Transform our World’. They even settled on the to-do list: the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). Importantly, they acknowledged that we can only succeed if we work together: governments, private sector, financial sector, non-governmental organizations, knowledge institutes, philanthropy and citizens.


With this national kick-start event at campus Woudestein the organizers aim to drive collaboration between the leaders of today and the leaders of tomorrow. They want to work together – different sectors and different generations – to transform our world. The organizers are convinced this is the best way to accelerate the implementation of the SDG’s in The Netherlands.

Students from Erasmus University Rotterdam are challenged by DSM, Philips, Shell and Unilever to develop practical solutions to help solve the energy and climate change puzzle. The four mentioned CEOs of these companies will evaluate their plans and the audience will select the winning team

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