Edith Leung awarded VENI grant

Dr Edith Leung, Assistant Professor in Financial Accounting at Erasmus School of Economics has been awarded a Veni grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). Veni grants target outstanding academics who obtained their PhD in the past three years and display a striking talent for scientific research.

Recipients of a Veni grant are primarily selected based on quality, innovative character and expected academic impact of the proposed research. Edith Leung is one out of twelve young scientists from Erasmus University Rotterdam who have been awarded this Veni grant of maximum 250,000 euros for a 3 years research project.

Edith Leung’s research focuses on the adjusted “non-GAAP” performance measures which managers often report, and that do not conform to existing accounting regulation. Regulators and media criticize these measures as being misleading to investors, although there is no concrete evidence to support this view. According to NWO the proposal of Edith Leung (Disclosures of alternative performance metrics: misleading or informative?) contributes to the debate by examining the usefulness of non-GAAP disclosures.

About NWO

The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) is the independent Dutch science funding body and its mission is to facilitate excellent scientific research in the Netherlands by means of national competition. Each year NWO spends more than 500 million euros on grants for top research and top researchers, on innovative instruments and equipment, and on institutes where top research is performed.

More information

For further information please contact: Ronald de Groot, Communication Officer at Erasmus School of Economics. rdegroot@ese.eur.nl, 06-53 641 846.

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