Econometrician Carlijn Smeets earns prestigious scholarship

Carlijn Smeets smiling with a closed smile

Econometrics student Carlijn Smeets of Erasmus School of Economics is granted the KHMW-Eizenga scholarship for $50,000, which is made possible thanks to a gift that Professor Wietze Eizenga left to the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (KHMW: Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen) for this purpose.

As from September 2024, Carlijn will continue her studies at Cornell Tech, New York City, in the master’s programme Operations Research and Information Engineering. Currently, she is finishing the specialisation Analytics and Operations Research in Logistics, in the master’s degree programme Econometrics and Management Science.

Carlijn is extremely grateful to have been awarded the scholarship: ‘This will enable me to fully focus on my time at Cornell Tech and get the most out of this unique experience. It would not have been possible without the exceptional teachers at Erasmus School of Economics, who have fueled my passion for this field from the beginning. I am especially thankful to Professor Philip Hans Franses and Professor Albert Wagelmans, who also provided invaluable support during the admission process. About spending the upcoming year in New York, she says: ‘I am super excited and expect to not only learn a lot, but also gain lifelong friendships with students from all over the world.’

Modelling key features of airline departure delays

In February 2024, a research article by Carlijn Smeets and co-author Professor Philip Hans Franses was published in Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, a peer-reviewed journal at the interface of stochastic modelling, data analysis and their applications in business, finance, insurance, management and production. In this paper  “Modeling flight delays by an intensity-based Hawkes process”, Carlijn models key features of airline departure delays, using an intensity-based Hawkes process. Her application to all KLM departure delays at Amsterdam Schiphol airport in January 2015 shows that volatility in departure delays is endogenous. Carlijn and Prof. Franses correlate the key parameters of the estimated Hawkes process with daily weather conditions and find that these conditions amplify the self-exciting feature of departure delays.

About the scholarship

The KHMW-Eizenga scholarship is available to Dutch nationals interested in pursuing an MBA or graduate studies in economics in the United States. Applicants must have at least a bachelor’s degree, excellent academic performance, and be able to clearly articulate how this scholarship will contribute to their personal and professional development.

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For more information, please contact Ronald de Groot, Media & Public Relations Officer at Erasmus School of Economics:, +316 53 641 846.

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