On 21 October, Dr. Marilena Vecco (Arts and Culture Studies) has been elected as a board member of the European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centres (ENCATC). ENCATC is a leading European network on Cultural Management and Cultural Policy education. The organisation has also recenly launched a new blog, EconomistsTalkArt.org, and invites academics to submit ideas for possible contributions to this online platform.
EconomistsTalkArt.org is set up to promote the dissemination of research-based policy analysis and commentary by cultural economists. The intended audiences are governmental cultural policy makers, arts advisory councils, cultural and heritage institutions, academia and the private sector as well as journalists specialising in the art and culture as economics and cultural studies students.
Most columns appearing in EconomistsTalkArt.org are commissioned directly by the Editor-in-Chief. Unsolicited columns are also posted sometimes. Academics who are interested in writing a "research-based policy analysis and commentary" should send a few lines describing the possible column and its research basis to: blog(at)culturaleconomics(dot)org.
The submission should include information on the author(s)' current and past affiliation(s), economics degrees or experience, and the URL of the author(s)' current webpage.
Editorial Board
- Karol Jan Borowiecki (University of Southern Denmark)
- Trilce Navarrete (University of Southern Denmark)
- Andrej Srakar (Institute for Economic Research and University of Ljubljana)
- Marilena Vecco (Erasmus University Rotterdam)