Dr Emy Koopman in Erasmus Magazine and Studio Erasmus

Dr. Emy Koopman appeared in Erasmus Magazine and Studio Erasmus this month after obtaining her PhD.

Erasmus Magazine

In the EM interview, dr. Emy Koopman talks about how it was for her to finish up her PhD dissertation while also working on her first novel, Orewoet. “My plan was to spend at least one day working on the book in the weekend and three evenings during the week. That didn’t always come off, because sometimes I was simply exhausted from my work at the university or I needed to take some time out with friends. But the intention did help.”

Dr. Emy Koopman obtained her PhD on 30 September and received the cum laude designation for it. 

Read the full article here.

Studio Erasmus

Earlier this month dr. Emy Koopman was a guest at Studio Erasmus to further talk about her PhD research. You can view the video (in Dutch) here.


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