Dr. Arora to be Project leader for UNESCO Report on prize-based incentives for innovations in ICT's in Education

The use of prizes to spur innovation in education has dramatically increased since the beginning of the millennium, but, to date, no organization has attempted to critically examine the impact these prizes have had on education. UNESCO proposes to fill this gap by conducting a landscape review of education prizes with an ICT focus. They have hired Dr. Arora to be the Project Leader. She will be working closely with a promising young scholar, an IbCOM and EUR Masters graduate, Andrea Gudmundsdóttir on this Report. The report aims to produce recommendations on how to shape future education prizes to ensure impact and sustainability, prepared specifically to advise the Commission for the UN General Assembly. Dr. Arora will be presenting the report before the UN General Assembly in Paris in March 2016 at the UNESCO Mobile Learning Week. http://www.unesco.org/new/en/mlw

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