At Erasmus School of Economics (ESE) students can study both Economics and Econometrics. Due to the fact that these two studies complement each other ESE introduces a double bachelor programme called BSc2 Econometrics/Economics which will start in September 2013. Ambitious students can obtain both diploma’s in four years, instead of six years if the two programmes would be followed separately. The new double study Econometrics / Economics is the first of its kind in the Netherlands.
The dual program is designed for ambitious students who are interested in both the functioning of the economy as well as solving economic issues with the help of mathematical and statistical models and methods. The additional study effort, therefore, makes this program more difficult than other bachelor programmes at Erasmus School of Economics. Potential applicants have to fulfill additional requirements such as a 7.0 as an average grade after completing high school. It is expected that ten to twenty students will start their studies at this unique programme next academic year.
Dean Prof. Philip Hans Franses: "This new programme challenges the very gifted and dedicated students. In this time and age, Erasmus School of Economics believes that it is tantamount important to provide such a challenge. It is a special programme for special students."
Two bachelors in four years
The English taught BSc2 Econometrics/Economics makes it possible for students to obtain diplomas for both programmes in four years. Separately this requires six years, besides a one-year master. The shorter duration of study is possible because both studies overlap and students can take extra classes and pass extra exams which would amount to 66 credits per year on average instead of the usual 60 credits.
Erasmus School of Economics is the first in the Netherlands to introduce such a double study Econometrics/Economics.
Two titles
Students who complete BSc2 successfully may use two titles. This makes such students interesting for future employers. After completing their bachelor, students can choose two masters programs, in Economics and Econometrics respectively. However, it is also possible to follow a double master programme, specializing in the subject which is given from both economic and econometric perspective, for example, Finance or Marketing.