Creating impact through mentoring

ESHCC will be launching MentorMe pilot
Campus Woudestein Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam

Connecting current students with alumni through mentoring to help students prepare for the labour market, that is what MentorMe is all about! After successful launches of MentorMe at other EUR faculties, it is now time for Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (ESHCC) to join the mentoring programme.

Between March and June 2023, an ESHCC MentorMe pilot study will be conducted and targeted at current master students. The mentoring programme goes live on 10 April 2023 and actively runs for 1 month. When proven successful, the MentorMe programme will roll out in the new academic year available to all ESHCC students and alumni.

About MentorMe

MentorMe is an online platform that connects students and alumni from Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication for a mentoring partnership. The online environment is a place where they can build a supportive and professional relationship based on their shared experiences of attending ESHCC. Both alumni and students create an account on the platform. Alumni indicate what kind of advice they want to give. Students then approach an alumni mentor to schedule an online consultation call. 

Benefits of MentorMe

One of the many benefits of MentorMe is the positive change the platform puts in motion. MentorMe gives students and alumni the opportunity to build a lasting collaborative relationship and engage in mutual learning.


Student participants

We're looking for enthusiastic Master or third year Bachelor students. Do you want to get involved?

Sign up as a mentee via this registration form.

More information

For more information about MentorMe, visit the alumni website or contact the ESHCC Alumni Officer: