Congratulations to Han Bleichrodt on his 25 years of employment at Erasmus University Rotterdam

During a special gathering on August 25, colleagues of the department of Applied Economics of Erasmus School of Economics congratulated Professor Han Bleichrodt on his 25 years of employment at Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Apparently taken by surprise, Han was presented the Umbra Erasmi medal by department director Professor Enrico Pennings, who praised his achievements for the university: “Han is an example of an extraordinary gifted researcher and teacher, and is one of the founding members of our department.”

The Umbra Erasmi medal, which was introduced by the Executive Board of Erasmus University Rotterdam in 1988, is granted as a token of appreciation and/or recognition to persons who are 25 years in the service.

On the back of the medal is the text UMBRA ERASMI ERASMUS UNIVERSITEIT ROTTERDAM. Erasmus used the words "Shadow of Erasmus" in 1520 referring to his portrait medal.

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