The “collective mood” in urban environments

Ruut Veenhoven, emeritus-professor of 'social conditions for human happiness' at Erasmus School of Economics, was asked about the 'collective mood' in urban environments on the radio show, The Urbanist. During the show the following topics were discussed: 
- The correlation between the built environment and the way we feel as an individual.
- How it applies to the population as a whole.
- What essentially makes a city happy or sad.

Fresh air, parks, scenic beauty are not the things that will make you feel happy living in a city. 'They do matter a bit', according to Veenhoven. 'However these contributions are relatively small compared to your genes, family ties and your health.'

More information

Click here to listen to the full episode on the Monocle, d.d. August 18, 2016. 

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