Collecting Asia Symposium

During the Collecting Asia seminar several experts will discuss one of the many Asian collections that are kept at the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden, its history and current use in research. We will also reflect on Leiden's role and responsibility in keeping these shared heritage objects in an increasingly globalizing world.

  • date: Friday 17 March 2017
  • time: 11.00 - 17.00 hours
  • location: Leemanszaal, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden (address and route)
  • language: English
  • costs: free (excl. museum entrance)

Leiden and Asia share a long history

Why is it that Leiden keeps so many Asian maps, literature and objects and has become an international centre of research on Asia? How did the collections find their way into the museums, libraries and repositories in Leiden? Collecting Asia- organized by the Centre for Global Heritage and Development, the National Museum of Antiquities and Japan Museum SieboldHuis - will shed light on these questions. The name Collecting Asia refers not only to the history of collecting, but also to the political connotation; collecting is never a 'neutral event'. Besides Western curiosity to the Asian continent, it was also a Colonial way of dominating and trying to get a grip on local cultures.


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