Christiaan Heij receives the University Education Prize

During a festive ceremony of the Opening of the Academic Year 2016-2017 on Monday 29 August 2016, Dr Christiaan Heij of Erasmus School of Economics is presented the University Education Prize. 

With this Education Prize Christiaan Heij (who was one of the three nominees) receives the recognition for the time he spent in the development of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) entitled "Econometrics: Methods and Applications". The jury was very impressed by the way he engaged the Department of Econometrics in these developments.  

There was more success for Erasmus School of Economics. Colleague economist Dr Niels Rietveld received the University Research Prize. The jury was very impressed by the quality, originality and interdisciplinarity of his research. Niels Rietveld is already seen as an expert, involved in several national and international studies. He won a Veni grant within one year after his PhD-defence. Rietveld is also Executive Director of the Erasmus University Institute for Biology and Economic Behavior. 

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