At 28. November, China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL) visited our University. The meeting was organized by Mr. Weichia Tseng, Manage Director of Erasmus University China Centre (EUCC). CUPL delegation was led by University Council Chair, Prof. HU Ming, whereas the Rector Magnificus of EUR, Prof. Rutger Engels attended the meeting with Prof. Fabian Amtenbrink, vice dean of ESL and other professors of ESL. As a special guest, Dr. MENG Qingyu, Counselor of Education Department of Chinese Embassy also attended the meeting. The meeting was very successful and fruitful, especially on strengthening the cooperation between ESL and CUPL. Moreover, CUPL has shown interest in cooperation with other schools (RSM/ESE/ESSB/ISS) within EUR.
EUR and CULP have had a very long lasting relationship since 1996 and singed official agreement in 2009. In particular, Erasmus School of Law (ESL), has always been one of the key global partners of CUPL. The academic exchange and collaboration between the two institutes have been vigorous in recent years. From 2011, ESL has accepted 15 Chinese PhD candidates from CUPL, 7 of them have successfully defended their theses. Six of them are now working at universities in China, one works at a state-owned enterprise. They are our ambassadors and via them we can strengthen our relationship even further. And more of these PhD candidates are on the way.
Academic cooperation is essential for further advancement of research and education, and that in the near future education and research will evolve around open and sustainable partnerships in many international networks.
- More information
For more information on the Chinese partner universities of the EUR, please contact Erasmus University China Center (EUCC,