Associate professor econometrics Dr. Chen Zhou and assistant professor applied economics Dr. Thomas Peeters received together with eight other talented researchers the annual EUR-Fellowships from the Executive Board. The EUR-fellowship consists of a position that is subsidized by the EUR for a maximum of four years. For every position there is a maximum amount of 150.000 euro available.
With the EUR-Fellowships the Erasmus University wants to offer extraordinarily talented young researchers the opportunity to carry out research. By doing this they get the chance to pursue a successful scientific career. The EUR-Fellowships offers talented researchers more assurance. It has become more difficult for recently graduated researchers to secure a permanent position at their university or acquire research funding. Researchers that have submitted an admissible proposal for a NWO Veni, NWO Vidi or an ERC Starting Grant, but who in spite of receiving a good evaluation, for budgetary reasons did not receive funding from NWO or the European Commission, qualify for a EUR Fellowship.
- More information
For an overview of all candidates who received the EUR-Fellowship we refer you to: