Erasmus University Rotterdam has taken note of the result of the UK referendum on EU membership. It is not yet clear whether Brexit will have consequences for the level of British students’ tuition fees. This will depend on the negotiations between the UK and the EU. We do not expect there to be any changes for our current British students in the short term. There are no immediate consequences for the 2016/2017 applications.
Dutch universities will continue the close collaboration with UK-universities, says the VSNU (Association of universities in the Netherlands) in a statement today. Dutch universities will continue the close collaboration with UK-universities, including research projects and mobility of students and researchers. Jointly finding solutions for continued collaboration is both in the interest of our universities and of all people in Europe.
The VSNU took note of the outcome of the UK-vote on EU-membership. VSNU underlines there will be no immediate consequences for students and researchers regarding the conditions for their stay here or in the UK, research projects, education programmes and all facilities connected. Whether there will be consequences in the future depends on the outcome of negotiations on the relations between the UK and the EU.