Boost of 2 million for research at Erasmus School of Economics

Erasmus University Rotterdam is providing a major financial boost for three leading research groups at Erasmus School of Economics. With the Research Excellence Initiative (REI), the university is aiming to attract and retain talent by raising the international profile of the top-class research and to further collaboration between research groups.

The three research groups are represented by Professor Bas Donkers, Professor Eddy van Doorslaer and Professor Roy Thurik. They have been awarded funds from the Research Excellence Initiative by having proved their excellence with their track record in terms of international publications, societal impact and in securing important subsidies and grants. 

 The proposals were reviewed by a panel of judges consisting of academic experts from different universities in the Netherlands. The review by the judges was preceded by an international peer review, whose results were taken into account in the final decision.

 The awarded projects are:

  • Erasmus Choice Modelling Centre Rotterdam (Bas Donkers)
  • Erasmus Centre for Health Economics Rotterdam (Eddy van Doorslaer)
  • What characterizes the entrepreneur? (Roy Thurik)
More information

For more information please contact: Ronald de Groot, Communication Officer at Erasmus School of Economics. +31 6 53 641 846

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