Bas Donkers new Director Department of Business Economics

As of 1 January, 2014 Bas Donkers has been appointed Director of the Department of Business Economics. He succeeds Benedict Dellaert who was interim director since the departure of William Verschoor.

Bas Donkers is professor marketing research at Erasmus School of Economics (ESE). His research focuses on the model-based analysis of choice behavior in a very broad sense . He is also actively involved in education in the first bachelor year in both the mainstream and in the bachelor program IBEB and active as ESE doctoral director.

Bas Donkers has a great interest in the wide range of topics in business economics and is actively involved in both research and teaching. The great diversity of people and activities within BE are for him very recognizable.
Bas Donkers thanks his predecessors for all their good work and strong position for BE which he can built upon. He regards his main objective to give an impetus to the growth and attention to quality that were initiated by his predecessors.

"I am very pleased that Bas Donkers is prepared to take on this task and look forward to work with him."

Philip Hans Franses
Dean Erasmus School of Economics

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