On Friday April 12, 2013 Bas Donkers will publicly accept his appointment as endowed professor Marketing Research with an inaugural lecture entitled 'The customer cannot choose'.
People can choose and they do make many choices each and every day. What most people are unaware of is how strong the impact of their environment is on the choices they make. In his inaugural address Bas Donkers highlights the impact of what people see (and what they don’t see), of what people experience (and what they don’t experience), or more general the impact of salient decision characteristics. Evidence will be provided in a number of applications that range from online consumer search behavior to physician prescription behavior. The lessons to be learned from this for marketers and policy makers alike are highlighted in the context of pension savings decisions and health state valuations.
Bas Donkers obtained his doctorate in econometrics in 2000 from the University of Tilburg. He works in the Marketing section of the department of Business Economics at Erasmus School of Economics. Bas Donkers is member of ERIM and Tinbergen Institute and fellow of Netspar and CentER.
Bas Donkers’ research aims at a model based analysis of consumer behavior. Doing so, he combines insights from economic theory and the more behavioral disciplines and empirically quantifies these influences. The insights gained can be used by both business, not-for-profits and policy makers. In addition, Bas Donkers studies techniques to quantify consumer preferences, either directly inferred from their behavior or by more specialised preference elicitation techniques. This research aids in improving market offerings, for example in health care and financial services, or in facilitating product search, specifically in online environments. His research has appeared in international top journals like Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing Research and Econometric Theory.
This inaugural address will be preceded by a symposium.
- More information
For more information, please contact Ronald de Groot, Communications Officer at the Erasmus School of Economics: e-mail: rdegroot@ese.eur.nl, phone: +31 10-4081762, and mobile phone: +31 6-53641846.