On August 24-26, 2017, Maria Grever, Kees Ribbens, Hester Dibbits, Maarten Van Dijck, Susan Hogervorst and Norah Karrouche, all (affiliated) members of the Center for Historical Culture, will present a session during the national conference 'Historicidagen 2017' at Utrecht University.
The 'Historicidagen'-conference is a three-yearly meeting in the broadest sense of the word, by and for historians. They are modeled after the German 'Historikertage' (since 1893) and the Annual Meetings (since 1886) of the American Historical Association.
The purpose of the 'Historicidagen' is to show the diversity and dynamism of the contemporary (art) historical field, offer inspiration and promote further cooperation.
The 'Historicidagen' connect all who are professionally engaged with the past: teachers, students, archivists, employees of museums and other heritage institutions, entrepreneurs, researchers and other (art) historical professionals.
On Friday, August 25, prof.dr. Maria Grever will present the keynote 'Nepgeschiedenis of toch niet...? De betekenis van de populaire cultuur voor historisch besef.' In this talk, she will explore the possibilities offered by popular genres to strengthen a sense of historical awareness through the inclusive concept of 'historical culture.'
On Saturday, August 26, prof.dr. Hester Dibbits will present the panel session 'Emotienetwerken: een workshop over erfgoeddynamiek', together with Marlous Willemsen (Imagine IC/Reinwardt Academie and Lizanne Gille (MA Cultural History UU & MA student Museology Reinwardt Academie). During this session, they will talk about the notion of 'emotional networks', which allows for a new perspective on heritage-creation, and offers an alternative for a communal framework in heritage work.
As part of the parallel sessions on August 25-26, prof.dr. Kees Ribbens will present the session 'De interactie tussen geschiedbeoefenaren en hun publiek: vervagende en nieuwe grenzen,' together with prof.dr. Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld (Tilburg University), prof.dr. Dolly Verhoeven (Radboud University Nijmegen) and prof.dr. Paul Knevel (Amsterdam University). During the session, they will reflect on the changin relationship between 'practitioners of history', that is, everyone professionally or recreatively involved in history and heritage, and their publics.
As part of the paralles sessions on August 25-26, dr. Maarten Van Dijck will present the session 'Publieksgeschiedenis, musea en burgerschap', together with Pieter de Bruijn (Open University). During this session, they will reflect on the public role of the museum in contemporary society.
Also as part of the parallel sessions on August 25-26, dr. Susan Hogervorst (Open University/Erasmus University Rotterdam) and dr. Norah Karrouche (VU Amsterdam/Erasmus University Rotterdam) will present the session 'Verteld verleden - een agenda voor 'oral history' in onderzoek en onderwijs', together with Marloes Huelsken (HAN) and Laura Boerhout (Amsterdam University). During the session, they will explore some of the new directions in oral history-research, and how oral history can be implemented in education.