As an EUR lecturer you might have ideas to innovate or improve your education. These ideas could directly contribute to achieving the Higher Education Quality Agreements (HoKa) and the EUR strategy 2019-2024 on future-oriented education.
How can you ensure your ideas will be developed and realised? How will you proceed if you’d like to do some small-scale research into the effect of an educational innovation? How will you share your results within the EUR community?
The Community for Learning & Innovation (CLI) is eager to help you out. Apply for a CLI Fellowship and stay at the forefront of education innovation and research. For the duration of the Fellowship, you will be exempt for 0.2 FTE - the costs are reimbursed by the CLI. Read more on
Application deadline is 15 April 2020.
Questions? A Fellows Connect meeting with the current CLI Fellows and Fellows-to-be will be organised on Tuesday 17 March 15:00-17:00. Please register via