Apocalypsophy, is the end really near?

Lecture by Lisa Doeland
Traffic sign in water
Cover of the book Apocalypsofie

The extinction of humanity. The apocalypse is a popular topic in movies and series such as The Last of Us (2023) and Wall-E (2008). Why are we so eager to watch our own downfall? Is it because we are failing to turn the tide? Isn't it time we face the fact that we have had our best time on earth? We seem to be doing well with switching to solar and wind energy, recycling and clothing swaps but is that enough?

The way of life we have adopted in the West is not sustainable. Climate scientists point to the irreversible consequences of the number of cars, eating meat and emissions from large corporations. During Apocalypsophy, Lisa Doeland talks about why we just can't seem to accept that the world as we know it is doomed. Why do we pin our hopes on new technologies while not adapting our lifestyles? How can we stay hopeful in the middle of our downfall?

Drs. Lisa Doeland is a PhD candidate at Radboud University and teaches at Erasmus University College (EUC). Among other things, she wrote the book Apocalypsofie. Over recycling, groene groei en andere gevaarlijke fantasieën (Apocalypsophy. On Recycling, Green Growth and Other Dangerous Fantasies). Her research and mission are to face what we would rather not face.

This program is organized by Studium Generale.

Apocalypsophy, is the end really near?

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