From 7-9 December the Brazilian Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia em Políticas Públicas, Estratégias e Desenvolvimento is hosting an internatinal confernce on ‘National Perspectives in a Global Economy: Rethinking State Capacities, Public Policies and the Brazilian Crisis’
ISS Associate Professor, Andrew Fischer is one of the speakers at the event. He will be giving two presentations.
His first presentation is entitled Social Policy as Remedy or Aggravator of State Crisis? Some conceptual considerations in which he will examie the channels through which social policy contributes to either state capacity or crisis, in particular through the way it influences the ordering of social differentiation and inequality.
The second presentation is entitled Until Debt Do Us Part: Historical Lessons from South Korea and Brazil on the Interactions between External Finance and National Developmentalism. This presentation contrasts the external account histories of South Korea and Brazil in the post-war era as a reflection on current debates regarding debt and development.
- More information
Conference website (in Portuguese)