In 2022, 84% of the academic publications from authors at Erasmus University and Erasmus MC were publicly available. EUR (excl. EMC) even reached 98%. What does this mean for the university's open access strategy?
Every year, the university library measures how many academic, peer-reviewed journal articles published by researchers from Erasmus University and Erasmus MC are available open access. Over 2022, the open access share was 84%. This is a growth of 2% compared to 2021.

Open Access Regulation
The rise registered in the last two years is largely caused by the implementation of the Open Access Regulation, which resulted in a significant growth in Green open access. Erasmus MC is planning facilitate exercising the Taverne Amendment as well and is currently working on its implementation.
The University Library will soon start making older EUR-publications publicly available under the Open Access Regulation as well. Authors can opt-out for specific publications via MyEUR.
What's next?
With almost all academic, peer-reviewed articles at EUR being publicly available (and some faculties even reaching 100% open access), the time has come to broaden our scope beyond the successful Hybrid and Green open access publishing and explore alternative strategies that allow for a more diverse and sustainable publishing culture. Moving forward, we will aim to strengthen Full and Diamond open access publishing at EUR in our endeavour to create a future-proof open access landscape.
Did you know, for example, that there is a Diamond Open Access Fund for scholarly led publishing initiatives at EUR?

- More information
There are multiple ways for EUR and EMC researchers to make their work available in open access. Do you want to know more about other open access options? Visit the webpage Open Access at EUR.