The Community for Learning & Innovation (CLI) gives lecturers from Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) the opportunity to apply for a fellowship. With this fellowship, they research educational innovation, or carry out an educational project.
On this page you can read more about Martine Baars' (ESSB) CLI Fellowship about the development of an app to help students ace their self-study.
Being able to regulate one’s own learning is important for academic success but was also found to be very difficult for students. In this project the effects of a mobile application (i.e., Study app) to support self-regulated learning processes of freshmen will be investigated. Martine will implement the app in the first course of the psychology curriculum and measure students’ motivation, satisfaction, SRL skills, and learning outcomes.

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Martine Baars, Ph.D., is an educational psychologist at the Department of Psychology, Education and Child Studies. Her research concerns instructional strategies to improve self-monitoring and self-regulation of learning in primary, secondary and higher education. She focuses on several aspects of self-regulated learning such as self-monitoring accuracy, motivation, learning strategies and cognitive load during learning in both offline and online learning environments (e.g., MOOCs) for individuals and groups. The role of technology and how it can enhance (self-regulated) learning is part of her research interests. As a researcher Martine is active in the Centre for Education and Learning (CEL) of the Strategic Alliance of Leiden University, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) and Erasmus University Rotterdam, as well as in the Community of Learning and Innovation (CLI) at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. As a teacher Martine is part of the Department of Psychology, Education and Child Studies (DPECS) within the Erasmus School of Social and Behavioral sciences (ESSB).
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