And they have some advice...
There are big challenges ahead for the Netherlands: together with 194 other countries we agreed upon a cleaner, greener economy. But we’re still one of the lowest ranking countries when it comes to sustainable energy. There’s work to do. And that’s what 90 professors – seven of whom are from Erasmus University Rotterdam – are asking the government in a letter.
To help the government somewhat, the professors have offered a list of 12 things we can do get this new economy underway.
- Appoint a Minister for Energy and Climate – Someone in charge of the transition
- If you pollute, you pay – Taxes on stuff that harms the environment
- Charge for CO2 emissions – Sweden did it, and it works!
- Stimulate the renovation of houses to make them energy neutral
- Stimulate sustainable energy sources – Wind & sun are our friends
- Close the coal plants – 2020, at the latest
- Charge car users through tolls
- Stimulate the development of ‘regional campuses’ – companies, universities, and research bodies working on innovation
- Teach sustainability in schools – Kids need to be prepared
- Relax laws that are in the way of the new economy – and make some new ones
- Introduce an adequate solution to the earthquake damage in Groningen
- Develop an investment fund for companies that want to invest in sustainable innovation
This is the list of professors who signed the letter. Curious about the whole letter? Read it here (in Dutch).
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