On May 31, Robbert-Jan Adriaansen of the Center for Historical Culture will organize a symposium in Antwerp on Historicism and Cultural Criticism: Historical Thought and Political Engagement in the Interwar Period in cooperation with Herman Paul (UL), Camille Creyghton (UvA), Brecht Deseure (UA) and Pieter Huistra (U Leuven).
The symposium is a follow-up of the successful symposium The Whig Paradigm in Historiography, organized in Amsterdam in June last year. The Amsterdam symposium brought together a broad array of historiographers and philosophers of history and included lectures of prof. dr. Frank Ankersmit, dr. Matthias Meirlaen, Camille Creyghton MA, prof. dr. Maria Grever, Jeroen Bouterse MA, prof. dr. Piet Blaas, dr. Herman Paul and prof. dr. Ed Jonker.
See for more information the attached flyer.
Studiemiddag Historisme en Cultuurkritiek.pdf (584.6KB)