April 25, 2013
14.00-17.00 hours
Room T3-35
Paper Marjan de Groot-Reuvekamp (history teacher, Pabo ‘s-Hertogenbosch & Fontys Hogeschool Kind & Educatie).
Title: The understanding of historical time in the primary history curriculum in England and the Netherlands
Marjan de Groot-Reuvekamp will present a paper on her PhD research about improving the understanding of historical time in primary school. The paper concludes that the teaching and learning of historical time in primary school in both countries needs improvement through teaching historical time more explicitly with the use of good quality timelines. It recommends further research on the development of an instrument to measure pupils' results and progress in the understanding of historical time. The presentation focuses on the design of such an instrument that builds on the operational definition on the understanding of historical time as described in the paper.
Paper Jan Blaauw MA (Groningen University)
Jan Blaauw will present a paper on his PhD research about censorship of history textbooks writing 1945-2010