Social Capital and Economic Development in Cape Town and New Amsterdam (c. 1640-1680)
Dr. Maarten van Dijck
Date Mon. 2 Mar. 2015
Time12:00-13:30 hours
Location Mandeville building, T3-42
Maarten Van Dijck (1980) obtained his master's degree in early modern cultural history at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in 2002. His MA thesis dealt with confraternal life in a small rural region in the Duchy of Brabant during the early modern period. After finishing his studies in Leuven, he moved to the University of Antwerp, where he started his PhD research under the supervision of Guido Marnef and Bruno Blondé. In the meanwhile he got a training in social and economic history at the N.W. Posthumus Institute in the Netherlands. His PhD dissertation was a study about the complex relation between social control, urbanization and behavior changes in Brabantine cities during the late medieval and the early modern period. He is currently assistant professor in history and theory of the social sciences at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. His teaching concerns the theories and methodologies used in historical and social research (see more about this under the heading ‘teaching’).