International Conference: 'Postwar Cities. Sensitive Heritage in a Globalizing Historical Culture'
Date: May 17 2016 / 10u - 17u30
Location: To be announced
During the Postwar Cities-conference, keynotes will be held by:
- prof.dr. Peter Seixas (University of British Colombia, Canada);
- dr. Ria Dunkley (Cardiff University, UK);
- dr. Angela Bermúdez Vélez (Universidad de Deusto, Spain);
- prof.dr. Malte Thieβen (Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Germany).
An additional debate will be held by prof.dr. Paul van de Laar, prof.dr. Mario Carretero, dr. Berber Bevernage, prof.dr. Kaat Wils and others.
- More information
Further information
Date: May 17 201, 10.00 hours - 17.30 hours
Location: To be announced
More information about the international Postwar Cities-conference, such as a (preliminary) overview of the programme, can be found on the following websites: