Ghent, Belgium
10, 11, 12 and 13 July 2013
It is with great pleasure that the International Network for Theory of History invites you to the very first conference of the INTH. The INTH is an organization whose aim is to the promote the theory of history around the world. This conference will constitute a giant step in the furtherance of this aim by bringing together the most important international specialists in the field today, to discuss the future of the discipline.
We look forward to listening to the contributions of keynote speakers Frank Ankersmit, François Hartog, Ethan Kleinberg, Elias Palti, Jörn Rüsen and Gabrielle Spiegel, as well as to a round table discussion which will be led by Elisabeth Deeds Ermarth, Wulf Kansteiner, Allan Megill and Hayden White.
We also look forward to the many parallel sessions which will cover a wide variety of issues currently occupying theorists and philosophers of history.
Please follow this link in order to register for the conference.