Assessing Reflection on Leadership and Inner Development: Assignment and Rubric (Msc level)

This is an example of a reflection assignment and holistic rubric crafted for a Msc level sustainable business leadership course. It evaluates students' final reflections on their personal development, utilizing the Inner Development Goals (IDGs) as a reference framework. Course-specific details are omitted for confidentiality.

Why would you use it?

This example offers inspiration to educators aiming to assess reflective capacity, especially for evaluating Inner Development Goals in Sustainability Leadership. The provided rubric offers a structured approach to assess students' reflection and personal growth, originally designed for business leadership but adaptable to various contexts.

How to use it?

Educators can tailor this rubric to match their course objectives adapting the assignment instructions and criteria to suit specific goals. Whether used as inspiration or a template, this open-source document supports instructors to provide comprehensive evaluation and constructive feedback, guiding students' reflexive capacity.

Assignment Instructions:

Final reflection assignment: Inner Development for Sustainability Leadership

During the course, you will keep record of the different moments, experiences, and concepts that make an impact on you throughout the course. The objective of this journal is to capture reflections on thought-provoking, confusing, and eye-opening elements that contribute to your growth as a leader in the field of sustainable business.

Journal Entries: After each lecture, take a few moments to note down experiences, thoughts, or ideas that have had a significant impact on you. These notes will serve as valuable 'raw' data for your final reflection assignment.

Final Reflection Assignment: In your final reflection assignment, you will need to analyse your journal entries for a comprehensive understanding of your leadership development. Focus on:

  1. Points of Growth (Reflect on 2 or 3):
    • What? Describe: Clearly explain a specific point of growth you have experienced as a leader throughout the course. Provide a detailed explanation of how you developed each new aspect of your leadership. Reflect on the experiences and concepts that were particularly transformative for you. Support your points of growth with concrete and relevant examples from the course activities and content. Make sure that your description is rich in detail, allowing the reader to understand the journey of your growth.
    • So What? Argue: Explain the significance of these growth points in the context of sustainable business leadership and how your development relates to the Inner Development Goals Framework. Explain how these growth points contribute to your effectiveness as a leader in the field.
    • Now What? Define Next Steps: Identify the implications of your growth points and outline the next steps in your leadership journey. 
  2. Areas for Future Development (Reflect on 1 or 2):
    • What? Describe: Clearly outline the aspects or skills where you still aim to develop yourself as a leader. Reflect on the experiences and concepts from the course that were particularly challenging for you. Support your points of improvement with concrete and relevant examples from the course activities and content. Make sure that your description is rich in detail.
    • So What? Argue: Explain the importance of addressing these areas for your continued growth, connecting it to the context of sustainable business leadership and how your development relates to the Inner Development Goals Framework. Explain how these points currently hinder, or could contribute to your effectiveness as a leader in the field.
    • Now What? Define Next Steps: Propose specific actions or implications to address and develop these areas further.

Framework and Analysis: Use the UN Inner Development Goals (IDGs) framework to inform your reflection. Consider how your personal inner growth aligns with the IDG framework, helping you reflect on your development as a leader in the sustainable business domain.

Submission Guidelines: Submit your final reflection assignment by [deadline]. Ensure your reflection is well-structured, with clear connections to the IDGs, and concrete and relevant links to both the course activities and content. 

This assignment is an opportunity for you to reflect on your own personal development, draw connections to the course content, and set meaningful goals for your future as a leader in sustainable business. 



Rubric- Final Individual Reflection: Inner Development for Sustainability Leadership


Level of achievementDescription
PassOutstanding (9-10) The reflection demonstrates exceptional insight into personal leadership competencies in sustainable business. Both points of growth, and the main area for improvement are described in detail and supported by clear and relevant examples linked to the course content, illustrating the depth of personal development. Their significance for sustainable business leadership is thoroughly argued, with evident connections to the Inner Development Goals Framework. Additionally, specific next steps for leveraging strengths and addressing areas for improvement are outlined comprehensively, reflecting a strategic and forward-thinking approach to personal development. Potential challenges and proactive solutions are discussed, demonstrating a problem-solving orientation. Overall, the reflection is exceptionally comprehensive, critical, and adept at incorporating complexities, insightful analysis, and innovative connections between course concepts/literature and personal development. Alignment with the UN Inner Development Goals framework is consistently evident, reflecting a strong mastery of the main course objectives.
Excellent (8-8.9)The reflection demonstrates insightful understanding of personal leadership competencies in sustainable business. Both points of growth and the main area for improvement are detailed with relevant examples, illuminating a clear journey of personal development. Their significance for sustainable business leadership is convincingly argued, drawing connections to the Inner Development Goals Framework. Additionally, specific next steps for leveraging strengths and addressing areas for improvement are outlined thoughtfully, reflecting a proactive approach. Potential challenges and proactive solutions might be discussed. The reflection demonstrates comprehensive analysis and critical thinking, demonstrating a strong grasp of the main course objectives.
Good (7-7.9)The reflection demonstrates a solid understanding of personal leadership competencies in sustainable business. Both points of growth and the main area for improvement are described with clarity, supported by relevant examples linked to the course content. Their significance for sustainable business leadership is adequately argued, with some connections to the Inner Development Goals Framework. Specific next steps for leveraging strengths and addressing areas for improvement are outlined, though may lack depth or specificity. The reflection is in general comprehensive and critical in its analysis, but may benefit from further exploration and depth. Alignment with the UN Inner Development Goals framework is attempted, though may be limited in scope.
Sufficient (5.5-6.9)Satisfactory (6.1-6.9)The reflection demonstrates a basic to satisfactory understanding of personal leadership competencies in sustainable business. Points of growth and areas for improvement are outlined, yet some points might be limited or lack specificity, clear examples, or relevance to the course content, particularly at the Basic level. While their significance for sustainable business leadership is mentioned, connections to the Inner Development Goals Framework may be limited or lacking. Next steps for leveraging strengths and addressing areas for improvement are mentioned in a general way, making it unclear how these will be put into practice. Gaps, inconsistencies, or lack of examples in explaining the student's learning journey might affect the overall depth and cohesion of the argument. The structure may lack clarity at some points, potentially hindering the reader's understanding
Basic (5.5-6)
FailInsufficient (4.5-5.4)

The reflection demonstrates a limited understanding of personal leadership competencies in sustainable business. Points of growth and areas for improvement reflect some understanding of the course content, but display weaknesses of understanding and thoroughness in  describing the students’ learning journey. Overall, the reflection lacks specificity, clear examples, and/or relevance to the course content/literature. Connections to the IDGs framework might be limited or absent, and connections to the course content/literature may be superficial, failing to demonstrate an adequate mastery of the most essential themes or topics from the course.

Next steps for leveraging strengths and addressing areas for improvement may be missing, irrelevant, or inadequately described, leaving uncertainty about their implementation. The presence of gaps, inconsistencies, or the absence of significant examples might undermine the overall depth and cohesion of the argument, contributing to a limited and unclear interpretation. 

Weak (3-4.4)The content of the reflection is seriously flawed, demonstrating lack of awareness of personal leadership competencies and their application to sustainable business. Points of growth and areas for improvement mostly lack specificity, clear examples, or relevance to the course content. Limited understanding of the course material, coupled with various gaps or conceptual errors, hinder the fulfillment of the specified criteria. The connections to the Inner Development Goals Framework are either irrelevant or missing. Gaps or inconsistencies in explaining the student's learning journey, make it difficult for the reader to follow the reflection's line of reasoning.
Poor (2-2.9)


The reflection is seriously flawed, demonstrating a lack of essential awareness of personal leadership competencies and their application to sustainable business.  If mentioned, points of growth and areas for improvement are either unclear or irrelevant. Their significance is poorly articulated, with no connections to the Inner Development Goals Framework. The argument is incoherent, with irrelevant portions and minimal engagement with course content/literature. Gaps and inadequacies in examples and arguments make the content challenging to grasp.

Non-compliant (Below 2)Does not demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes. Assignments may show no submission, deviate from the assigned task, submission was made after the designated deadline, or the work presented displays significant academic misconduct.



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