XXIIe Lustrum Symposium: Next Generation Leadership

Birds view photo of Woudestein campus with the Rotterdam skyline in the background.
Thursday 4 Apr 2024, 13:30 - 16:00
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auditorium full with audience

During the symposium 'Next Generation Leadership', the aim is to inspire students and equip them with the skills to create valuable opportunities for the future. Inclusivity, digitalisation, and sustainability are treated as subthemes to excite students about how they can stay ahead as leaders of the future. 

Each speaker will give a 10-minute presentation, followed by a joint panel discussion lasting approximately 30-45 minutes.  After the symposium, there will be a reception at the same location.

The programme

13:45Introduction video
13:50Opening speech chairman
14:00Speech speaker 1 + Q&A: sustainability (Marguerite Soeteman-Reijnen)
14:20Speech speaker 2 + Q&A: digitalisation (Michiel Muller)
14:40Speech speaker 3 + Q&A: sustainability (Jacqueline van den Ende)
15:20Summary (Peter ter Kulve & Ernst Hoestra)
15:30Panel discussion (all speakers)
15:50End speech (Ernst Hoekstra)
More information

The event is organised by R.S.C. / R.V.S.V. Follow the LinkedIn page and Instagram  for up-to-date information about the event.

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